New Partnership with Mapei company
A.N.A.S. relies on ED.CUBE
New Automation System for Conglomerate Plants
Cement Storage Facility in Malta
A new automation created by Elettrondata The installation and testing of our automation for a cement storage and sale plant in Malta were successfully concluded. The supervisor allows the management of a large cement storage silo, subdivided internally into 48 sectors. Continuous levels allow you to automatically define which of these sectors should be loaded. […]
BETONWIN: New release
A new update and important features for BETONWIN Betonwin, one of the most used software in Italy to automate concrete mixing plants receives a substantial update, enriched with new important features. From today all the data concerning the plant, concerning production, stocks, cycle data and events are stored on SQL database with the possibility of […]
Mixed cemented on SCADA platform
An automation system for cemented mixed plants Elettrondata has developed an automation system for cemented mixed plants and road surfaces. The automation can be installed on the latest generation PC or on industrial Panel PCs. The maximum configuration of the automation software includes 6 aggregates, 2 cements, 2 waters and up to 4 additives. The […]